Juries nominate winning projects of the 3rd Holcim Awards competition

Jury meetings in all regions completed

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    Head of the jury for Africa Middle East, Hashim Sarkis (center) discusses the entries in the Holcim Awards competition for sustainable construction projects and visions with members of the panel at the jury meeting in Casablanca.

Independent juries comprised of professionals from 25 countries have now assessed all entries which were complete and formally correct in the 3rd International Holcim Awards competition for projects and visions in sustainable construction. From more than 6,000 submissions received, 2,200 fulfilled the challenging requirements be presented to the juries.

Last updated: August 05, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland

The two or three-day jury meetings took place in each of the five regions of world on the campus of the respective partner universities of the Foundation:

  • Europe – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Switzerland
  • North America – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA
  • Latin America– Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), in Mexico City, Mexico 
  • Africa Middle East – Ecole Supérieure d’Architecture de Casablanca (EAC), in Casablanca, Morocco 
  • Asia Pacific – Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay), in Mumbai, India

Currently, the verification of nominated projects is being conducted by the Technical Competence Center c/o ETH Zurich in collaboration with the partner universities of the Foundation. Once the eligibility of each nominated project is confirmed in compliance with the conditions of entry, representatives of each winning project will be invited to the Awards ceremony in which their project is located. 

The Holcim Awards ceremonies will be held in September/November according to the following schedule:

  • Europe – September 15/16, 2011
  • North America – October 20/21, 2011
  • Latin America – October 6/7, 2011
  • Africa Middle East – September 8/9, 2011
  • Asia Pacific – November 24/25, 2011

The results of the five regional competitions will be announced on the evening of the respective Awards ceremony. The outcome can be followed via the Foundation website and via newsletter. In parallel, all entrants in the competition will be updated via email; non-winning authors of accepted entries will receive a confirmation of participation.