“A system that is both adaptable and portable” – Holcim Awards Jury

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    Project Entry 2014 Asia Pacific - Adaptable Portable: Modular housing for urban poor, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    1. Temporary, two storied structure, consists of series of rooms (monthly rent USD 40-100); 2. Dangerous staircase leads to upper floor 3. Rented room(1.8x2.4m) for a family of four, with no natural light or ventilation; 4. Common bath (for gents); 5. Common kitchen; 6. Existing community interaction space; 7. Income generating activity done by community people; 9. Narrow lane flanked by rooms for rent; 10. and 11. Participation of community people in design process.

The jury applauds the author for her courage to take on one of the most difficult contemporary problems in city planning and urban design – the question of how to house the underprivileged masses in an age marked by growing discrepancies between rich and poor. Whereas many contemporary solutions exist, the submitted scheme incorporates the issues of impending eviction and eradication of informal settlements by offering a system that is both “adaptable” and “portable”.

Last updated: July 18, 2014 Beijing, China

The jury applauds the author for her courage to take on one of the most difficult contemporary problems in city planning and urban design – the question of how to house the underprivileged masses in an age marked by growing discrepancies between rich and poor. Whereas many contemporary solutions exist, the submitted scheme incorporates the issues of impending eviction and eradication of informal settlements by offering a system that is both “adaptable” and “portable”.