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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Test sites near Taipingqiao Park, Shanghai.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Schematic design of a block in the historical center of Shanghai developed according to the concept of “low and dense”.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Typical street scene in the historical center of Shanghai.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Low and high buildings and parks in Shanghai’s historic center.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Detail maps of the Luwan District in Shanghai.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Test site between Fuxin Zhonglu and Taipingqiao Park, Shanghai.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Plan view of “low and dense” concept in practice.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": A block developed according to the concept “low and dense”.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": A block developed according to the concept “low and dense”.

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Low and dense urban elements, Shanghai, China": Holcim Awards "Next Generation" 3rd prize 2008 Asia Pacific: Eero Puurunen.

Over the past 15 years, most residential construction has targeted the high-end high-rise luxury market. The project, Low and dense urban elements, argues against this trend. Instead, it favors a more reciprocal infill strategy of preserving urban heritage and re-introducing low-rise high-density areas – this respects cultural heritage and keeps the social fabric alive.

Last updated: February 29, 2008 Shanghai, China