“An encouraging example of self-reliance” – Holcim Awards Jury

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    Project entry 2008 Asia Pacific - "Advocacy of traditional earthquake-resistant construction, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan": Development of training manual.

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    Holcim Awards Acknowledgement prize 2008 Asia Pacific (l-r): jury member Neenat Niazi with prize-winners Tom Schacher, architect, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Agarone, Switzerland and Thomas Fisler, government officer and team leader, SDC, Mansehra, Pakistan.

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    Holcim Awards Acknowledgement prize 2008 Asia Pacific (l-r): jury members Neenat Niazi and Mark Lee congratulate Tom Schacher and Thomas Fisler for their project "Advocacy of traditional earthquake-resistant construction, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan".

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    Holcim Awards Acknowledgement prize 2008 Asia Pacific (l-r): Tom Schacher and Thomas Fisler for their project "Advocacy of traditional earthquake-resistant construction, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan".

The outstanding highlight of this initiative to create eleven training centers for the reconstruction of private houses, is the consequent renunciation of typically-applied modern construction materials and techniques such as steel and reinforced concrete. In the isolated mountain areas of Pakistan such methods are not feasible. Hence, the approach consisted of identifying the retained as well as already-lost know-how, developing the missing parts and creating a simple manual for the construction of earthquake resistant dwellings with local materials and skills.

Last updated: June 05, 2008 Shanghai, China

Even more important was to establish the self-confidence and the motivation among the local population through pilot projects and training. The jury has commended this project because it’s an encouraging example of self-reliance in exceptional situations and the potential of using advanced engineering knowledge to dramatically improve the efficiency and reliability of traditional techniques based on local resources.