“Innovative focus on the marine ecosystem” – Holcim Awards Jury

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    Project entry 2005 - Concrete Substrates for Accelerated Coral Restoration, Philippines: Marine biodiversity and fish stocks are vital for local communities who rely on fishing for food and economic development.

The success of this project lies in its innovative focus on the marine ecosystem. Of particular merit is the effort to regenerate an endangered environment, an environment upon which many small coastal communities depend for their livelihood and future development. Such effort yields not only a positive impact on the natural surroundings by providing an ecologically effective catalyst for coral growth, but also an ethically affirmative social impact by increasing the quantity and diversity of fish species for nearby fishing communities.

Last updated: July 01, 2005 Shanghai, China

This project convincingly demonstrates the value of simple, yet intelligent tools that are affordable, require little technical expertise, and can be easily replicated in different contexts. Also to be commended is the adaptability of the structures to the varied needs of local communities. The project signals sensitivity to economic issues by promoting a low-cost, incremental infrastructure rather than costly large-scale investments. This entry displays ingenuity in tackling a highly complex issue while offering a modest, but aesthetically refined design solution to the challenges at hand.