“High degree of innovation in material research and testing” – Holcim Awards Jury

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    Project entry 2005 North America - Material Reduction: Efficient Fabric-Formed Concrete, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

    Basic Method: Thin-shell panels.

The entry contributes a high degree of innovation in material research and testing, inventively challenging the construction industry to achieve increased levels of efficiency and environmentally sensitive techniques of production. The results provide convincing evidence of the as of yet untapped potential of concrete as a material force. To be commended are the substantial material savings yielded by allowing the cross-sectional area to vary according to minimal structural requirements.

Last updated: September 30, 2005 Cambridge, MA, USA

Of equal merit are the benefits resulting from the estimated cost reductions for formwork material and transport weight. The proposal to deploy geotextile fabrics that are available worldwide and are inexpensive presents a novel opportunity for the concrete industry to deliver products and services to broader range of clientele regardless of the level of industrial sophistication.

Aesthetically, the work is rich in possible applications and promises to offer a veritably unlimited palette of formal variations for architectural and engineering related work. Research combined with hands-on experience are put to the test to deliver a versatile method, one that promotes the sensual and plastic qualities of a known material to achieve unexpected results.