“A unique combination triggering various positive impacts” – Holcim Awards Jury

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    Project entry 2008 Europe - "Urban greening and economic catalyst, Madrid, Spain": Greenhouse and dwellings.

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    Ana Castillo, winner of the Holcim Awards "Next Generation" 2nd prize 2008 Europe

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    Holcim Awards "Next Generation" 2nd prize 2008 Europe (l-r): Ana Castillo and Lieven De Groote congratulating the winners of the "Next Generation" 3rd prize

The strong and convincing vision of this project consists of creating a large green island on an empty piece of land at the interface of three mainly residential districts in Madrid in order to achieve a considerable improvement of the climatic conditions. Usually such projects are not feasible due to the extremely high cost of land in urban centers. The striking idea of the project is to combine the positive effects of huge plantations on health, air and water quality with the economic potential of the industrialized production of trees and pot plants for private and public use. The open plantations and the greenhouses will be designed as a public park and enriched with a multitude of cultural, sports, health and educational facilities. 

Last updated: June 26, 2008 Zurich, Switzerland

By this unique combination of industrial production plant, recreational functions, serving the city with additional plants to be placed in streets and squares as well as on façades and balconies triggering off various positive impacts on the local climate, this project contains a lot of creativity and innovation coupled with a good sense of economic feasibility.