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    “Between Walls: Community medical center and school” in Tatiba Baraibura, Jharkhand, India won an Acknowledgement prize for its low cost structure that combines local materials and traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. Madhusudhan Rao Chalasani of MADE views the strength of his project in utilizing locally-available resources in a coherent way.

“Between Walls: Community medical center and school” in Tatiba Baraibura, Jharkhand, India won an Acknowledgement prize for its low cost structure that combines local materials and traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. Madhusudhan Rao Chalasani of MADE views the strength of his project in utilizing locally-available resources in a coherent way. 

Last updated: November 24, 2014 Jakarta, Indonesia

“Between Walls: Community medical center and school” in Tatiba Baraibura, Jharkhand, India won an Acknowledgement prize for its low cost structure that combines local materials and traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. Madhusudhan Rao Chalasani of MADE views the strength of his project in utilizing locally-available resources in a coherent way. 

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