Closing a gap in the chain that reaches from material extraction and processing to consumption and disposal

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    Project entry 2014 North America – Trash for Use: Municipal center for harvesting utility from waste, New York, NY, USA

    (a) Truck and pedestrian drop-off on ground floor, (b) picking conveyors lead to vertical conveyor core.

As waste removal becomes increasingly difficult to handle and landfill space ever more scarce, cities such as New York, must become more resourceful in the manner in which they address their refuse. Confronting this problem, the project proposes a building in the midst of the metropolis for waste collection and processing, a “machine for turning trash into treasure.” The municipal Center for Harvesting Utility from Waste (CHUW) recognizes an opportunity to locally treat collected waste, breaking it down into its constituent components – organic substances, metal, paper, plastic, glass, and so forth – in order to exploit its content. 

Last updated: June 29, 2015 New York, NY, USA

As waste removal becomes increasingly difficult to handle and landfill space ever more scarce, cities such as New York, must become more resourceful in the manner in which they address their refuse. Confronting this problem, the project proposes a building in the midst of the metropolis for waste collection and processing, a “machine for turning trash into treasure.” The municipal Center for Harvesting Utility from Waste (CHUW) recognizes an opportunity to locally treat collected waste, breaking it down into its constituent components – organic substances, metal, paper, plastic, glass, and so forth – in order to exploit its content.

Read project feature in 4th Holcim Awards 2014/2015 (flip-book)