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    Holcim Awards 2014 Europe author interviews

    “We need to know what the people who live in the context want” – Lucia Pierro, member of the Holcim Awards Gold 2014 Europe winning team for “Anthropic Park: Freshwater ecological reserve and remediation, Saline Joniche, Reggio Calabria, Italy”.

Project co-author, Lucia Pierro of AutonomeForme explains how sustainable projects need to balance demands and be aware of stakeholder needs. “Anthropic Park: Freshwater ecological reserve and remediation, Saline Joniche, Reggio Calabria, Italy” was greatly appreciated by the jury for its bold philosophical posture – investigating the roles of architecture, landscape design, and urban planning and their constraints by the necessity to allow human existence.

Last updated: September 04, 2014 Moscow, Russia

Project co-author, Lucia Pierro of AutonomeForme explains how sustainable projects need to balance demands and be aware of stakeholder needs. “Anthropic Park: Freshwater ecological reserve and remediation, Saline Joniche, Reggio Calabria, Italy” was greatly appreciated by the jury for its bold philosophical posture – investigating the roles of architecture, landscape design, and urban planning and their constraints by the necessity to allow human existence.

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