Michael Braungart

Founder and Scientific Director, Braungart EPEA, Germany

Michael Braungart

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    6th Holcim Foundation Forum 2019

    Michael Braungart is the first recipient of a Holcim Foundation Catalyst Award, and is Professor of Process Engineering at Universität Lüneburg, Germany.

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    2nd Holcim Foundation Roundtable 2015 held in Einsiedeln, Switzerland

    Michael Braungart, Academic Chair Cradle-to-Cradle for Innovation & Quality, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands at the 2nd Holcim Foundation Roundtable held in Einsiedeln, Switzerland (2015).

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    6th Holcim Foundation Forum 2019

    Michael Braungart, Academic Chair Cradle-to-Cradle for Innovation and Quality at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands received the Holcim Foundadtion's Catalyst Award.

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    6th Holcim Foundation Forum 2019

    “If you just perfect the wrong design, you end up with a design that is perfectly wrong.” – Michael Braungart, Academic Chair, Cradle-to-Cradle for Innovation & Quality, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands.

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    6th Holcim Foundation Forum 2019

    The Holcim Foundation Catalyst Award for substantial, outstanding, and lasting contribution to the advancement of sustainable development was presented to Michael Braungart (right) by Jan Jenisch, CEO of Holcim at the 6th Holcim Forum “Re-materializing Construction” in Cairo, Egypt on April 6, 2019.

Michael Braungart is Founder and Scientific Director of Braungart EPEA, an international environmental research and consulting institute based in Hamburg, Germany. He presented the keynote address “Being less bad is simply not good enough” at the 6th Holcim Foundation Forum 2019 on the topic of “Re-materializing Construction”.

Last updated: May 25, 2024 Hamburg, Germany

He presented “A building like a tree, a city like a forest” at the inaugural Holcim Foundation Roundtable 2014) and was presented with the Holcim Foundation Catalyst Award – a recognition for experts who have made a substantial, outstanding, and lasting contribution to the advancement of sustainable development.

If you just perfect the wrong design, you end up with a design that is perfectly wrong. Michael Braungart

Michael Braungart is Co-founder and Scientific Director of McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry (MBDC), Co-founder and Scientific Director of the Hamburg Environmental Institute (HUI) and Director of Braungart Consulting.

He is a chemist who advocates that humanity can make a positive instead of a negative environmental impact by redesigning industrial production, ultimately claiming that human activities should not generate waste. He researches and advises on eco-effective products in the cycle that are not only less harmful to people and nature, but are instead useful.

Michael Bruangart is Professor for Cradle to Cradle and Eco-Effectiveness at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany. He is a Visiting Professor at Erasmus University, and formerly held the Chair for Cradle to Cradle – Innovation and Quality (2011-17). He has held teaching positions at TU Delft, University of Twente Enschede, Carnegie Mellon University, Bauhaus University Weimar, and the University of Wales.

He studied chemistry and process engineering at universities in Konstanz, Darmstadt, Hannover, and Zurich. In the 1980s, he dedicated his work to the environmental organization Greenpeace and beginning in 1982 helped to establish the chemistry section of Greenpeace International, which he took over in 1985.

He co-authored Hannover Principles of Design: Design for Sustainability (1992) and Cradle to Cradle: Simply Produce Intelligently (North Point, 2002) with William McDonough.