This page features a summary of online articles which appeared as a response to the Global Holcim Awards winners announcement: 

The winners of the 4th Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction have been decided – the trophies and USD 350,000 prize money go to projects in Colombia, Sri Lanka and the USA. All three prizes recognize architectural interventions that deliver tangible benefits to local communities: Turning a decommissioned water reservoir into a park in Medellín, rebuilding social fabric through a community library in Ambepussa following Sri Lanka’s civil war, and creating public zones and flood-protection for the island of Manhattan.

Last updated: April 20, 2015 Zurich, Switzerland

L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui blog, France

Le Trophée d’Or des 4ème Global Holcim Awards pour la construction durable semble récompenser une décennie de développement qui a fait de Medellín un modèle d’intervention architecturale intelligente. La récompense a en effet été attribuée à un projet visant à transformer les réservoirs d’eau de l’un des quartiers les plus pauvres de la ville en espaces publics accessibles à tous, faisant de la ressource un atout social et améliorant la ville grâce à de nouveaux espaces publics...

The winner of the Gold in Holcim’s 4th Global Awards for Sustainable Construction feels like a prize for a decade of development which has made Medellin a paradigm of intelligent architectural intervention. The Gold has gone to a scheme to re-make the city’s reservoirs as pubic spaces in some of the city’s poorest neighbourhoods as accessible public spaces, highlighting the value of water as an asset for civilised living and enhancing the city through communal space...

Archinect, USA

The Holcim Foundation finally announced today the three winning projects for their global 2015 Holcim Awards. Every three years, the awards competition seeks architectural design interventions that address sustainable building and construction issues worldwide. As a global competition, the Holcim Awards highlight people's different lifestyles and draws attention to their specific communal issues...

Archdaily, Chile

Emerging from over 6,000 entries, three winners of the fourth Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction have been selected. The international competition, occurring every three years, recognizes designs that provide sustainable solutions to local issues faced by communities throughout the world. This year’s winning projects addressed sites inColombia, Sri Lanka, and the United States and will receive monetary prizes ranging from $50,000 to $200,000...

Baunetz, Germany

Die Global Holcim Awards beeindrucken nicht nur thematisch, sondern auch mit Gründlichkeit. Im letzten Jahr wurden zunächst aus über 6.000 Beiträgen die regionalen Gewinner für Europa, Nord- und Lateinamerikasowie Afrika und Nahost bestimmt, die dann auch an der weltweiten Ausgabe des Preises teilnehmen durften. Die Projekte wurden hierfür noch einmal überarbeitet – die finale Runde versteht sich demnach als erneute Qualifizierungsmaßnahme. Bekanntgegeben wurden die Preisträger für 2015 heute Nachmittag in Zürich...

Architecture AU, Australia

University of Melbourne graduate pips Bjarke Ingels Group for US$100,000 global award. The awards program, organized by Switzerland-based Holcim Foundation, are announced every three years with a total prize pool of US$2 million. The 2015 awards recognized three projects that demonstrated architectural interventions with tangible benefits for their respective local communities. Post War Collective: Community library and social recuperation by Milinda Pathiraja and Ganga Ratnayake (Robust Architecture Workshop). University of Melbourne graduate Milinda Pathiraja was among the global winners. Pathiraja is part of Sri Lankan studio Robust Architecture Workshop with Ganga Ratnayake. The studio’s project Post-War Collective received the US$100,000 Silver Award...

world-architects, Switzerland

Three winners of the 4th Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction have been selected with projects on public space, social integration, and resilient infrastructure in Colombia, Sri Lanka, and the USA, respectively.Over 6,000 projects in 152 countries were submitted for the 4th cycle of the USD 2 million Holcim Awards, which take place every 3 years. The winners were selected by an international jury* led by Harvard GSD Dean Mohsen Mostafavi, culled from the five regional awards given out last year: Africa and Middle East, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Per the Holcim Foundation, "All three prizes recognize architectural interventions that deliver tangible benefits to local communities."

Bustler, USA

The 2015 Holcim Awards grand-prize winners are revealed! All 15 winners from the five regional competitions for Asia Pacific, Africa & Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and North Americaadvanced to the global Holcim Awards, which sought architectural interventions that address sustainable building and construction issues around the world. Having just concluded its fourth cycle, the Holcim Awards occur every three years...

Plataforma arquitectura, Chile

Equipo colombiano Colectivo 720 obtiene medalla de oro en los 2015 Global Holcim Awards for Sustainability. Tras adjudicarse la medalla de oro en la edición latinoamericana de los Holcim Awards 2014, la oficina colombiana Colectivo 720 obtuvo también el primer lugar en los Global Holcim Awards 2015 -la instancia final e internacional de la competición- con el proyecto Orfelinato, pieza clave en el plan maestro Unidades de Vida Articulada (UVA) desarrollado por Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) en esa ciudad.

swiss-architects, Switzerland

Die Holcimfoundation hat zum 4mal die Global-Holcim-Awards ausgelobt. Die Gewinner erzielen mit ihren Interventionen Verbesserungen für die Gesellschaft insgesamt, so die Überzeugung der Jury. Die Preise gehen nach Kolumbien, Sri Lanka und den USA. Gold geht an das das Projekt für einen öffentlichen Park in der kolumbianischen Stadt Medellín. Eine Anlage mit zwei riesigen stillgelegten Wassertanks wird zu einer «sozio-technischen» Landschaft umfunktioniert – mehr hier; Silber – oben im Bild – an das Projekt einer Gemeindebibliothek im ländlichen Ambepussa in Sri Lanka – mehr hier; Bronze schliesslich an ein Konsortium unter der Leitung von BIG, Kopenhagen/New York, das nach den Verwüstungen, die der Hurrikan Sandy angerichtet hatte, ein Konzept für den Hochwasserschutz von Lower Manhattan entwickelte.

architecture & design, Australia

Project opening up hidden city infrastructure wins gold at 2015 Global Holcim Awards. The winners of the fourth Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction have been announced, and include a University of Melbourne graduate Milinda Pathiraja, who took home the second prize alongside her Robust Architecture Workshop colleague, Ganga Ratnayake. Selected from 15 global finalists, which in turn were whittled down from an initial 6,000 entries, three projects in Colombia, Sri Lanka and the United States were awarded a total of US$350,000 in prize money...

Baulinks, Germany

(20.4.2015) Die Gewinner der vierten Globalen Holcim Awards stehen fest. Die drei ausgezeichneten Projekte wollen mit ar­chitektonischen Interventionen spürbare Verbesserungen für die Gesellschaft bringen und erhalten ein Preisgeld von zusam­men 350.000 US-Dollar..

Construible, Spain

La cuarta edición de los  Global Holcim Awards de Construcción Sostenible ya tiene ganadores. Colombia, Sri Lanka y los EE.UU. recibirán los trofeos y el premio económico de 350.000 dólares. Los tres premios brindan un reconocimiento a intervenciones arquitectónicas que representan beneficios tangibles para las comunidades locales: la transformación de una reserva de agua abandonada en un parque en Medellín, la reconstrucción de la trama social a través de una biblioteca comunitaria en Ambepussa, después de la guerra civil que asoló a Sri Lanka, y la creación de áreas públicas y protección contra las inundaciones en la isla de Manhattan...

Progettare, Italy

La giuria internazionale ha scelto i vincitori del quarto Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction. Sul podio salgono progetti che prevedono benefici tangibili per le comunità locali e per i quali è stata messa in palio la somma di 350mila dollari statunitensi. Per l’esattezza, la giuria, presieduta da Mohsen Mostafavi, ha ritenuto meritevole di primo premio, riconoscendo il Global Holcim Awards Gold 2015, il progetto “Articulated Site: Water reservoirs as public park” pensato per Medellín, in Colombia, da Mario Fernando Camargo Gómez  e Luis Orlando Tombé Hurtad, entrambi di Colectivo 720 di Cali (Colombia)...

Professione Architetto, Italy

Sono stati decretati i vincitori della 4a edizione del Global Holcim Award, il concorso internazionale che premia le eccellenze nel campo dell'architettura sostenibile. I trofei e i premi da 350mila dollari sono stati assegnati a progetti in Colombia, in Sri Lanka e negli Stati Uniti. I tre premi danno riconoscimento a interventi nel campo dell'architettura in grado di apportare vantaggi concreti alle popolazioni locali...

Autocad Magazin, Germany

Die Gewinner der vierten Globalen Holcim Awards sind bestimmt. Die drei ausgezeichneten Projekte bringen mit architektonischen Interventionen spürbare Verbesserungen für die Gesellschaft. Dafür erhalten sie ein Preisgeld von insgesamt 350'000 US-Dollar. Im kolumbianischen Medellín wird ein stillgelegtes Wasserreservoir in einen Park verwandelt, in Ambepussa in Sri Lanka stärkt der Bau einer Bibliothek die Gemeinschaft nach dem Bürgerkrieg – und in Manhattan schaffen Massnahmen für den Hochwasserschutz attraktive öffentliche Räume...

Terra, Colombia, USA

Gana Colombia final global de los Holcim Awards; destacada participación de México México, D.F., a 21 de abril de 2015.- La Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction anunció a los proyectos ganadores de la final global del 4º Ciclo de los Premios Holcim para la Construcción Sustentable, en los que Colombia obtuvo el oro, Sri Lanka la plata y Estados Unidos el bronce. Los tres premios brindan un reconocimiento a intervenciones arquitectónicas que representan beneficios tangibles para las comunidades locales: la transformación de una reserva de agua abandonada en un parque en Medellín; la reconstrucción de la trama social a través de una biblioteca comunitaria en Ambepussa, después de la guerra civil que asoló a Sri Lanka; y la creación de áreas públicas y protección contra las inundaciones en la isla de Manhattan... 

A/N Blog, USA

The Holcim Foundation has announced the three winners in its Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction. The international competition, now in its fourth year, celebrates projects that “deliver tangible benefits to local communities.” This year, the winners will collect a total $350,000 between them, and each walk away with a trophy. Take a look at the gold, bronze, and silver winners below.


Ban tổ chức Cuộc thi toàn cầu Holcim Awards vừa công bố những chủ nhân của giải thưởng lần thứ 4, với cúp và tiền thưởng 350.000 USD được trao cho các dự án ở Colombia, Sri Lanka và Mỹ. 3 dự án đoạt giải này được vinh danh cho ý tưởng kiến trúc mang lại lợi ích thiết thực cho cộng đồng địa phương: Cải tạo hồ chứa nước ngừng hoạt động thành một công viên ở Medellín (giải Vàng); Hỗ trợ tái hòa nhập xã hội với thư viện cộng đồng ở Ambepussa sau cuộc nội chiến tại Sri Lanka (giải Bạc); Tạo các khu vực công cộng và bảo vệ đảo Manhattan khỏi lũ lụt (giải Đồng).

Casa & Clima, Italy

Tre progetti molto diversi e pensati per luoghi altrettanto diversi. Ma accomunati da un obiettivo comune, quello di dare una risposta sostenibile alle esigenze, ambientali e sociali, di una comunità. Sono stati proclamati i vincitori della quarta edizione della Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction, uno dei più importanti concorsi internazionale per la progettazione sostenibile, promosso dalla Holcim Foundation, nata in seno all'omonima società del settore delle costruzioni.