Project entry 2020 for Latin America

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Recognition of vulnerable populations most affected. Global insertion of the urban dike.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Aerial view of the amphibious territory, case study province of Chaco. Km3 combines large-scale hard water infrastructure with the native landscape of the territory and citizen activities, adapting it to the characteristics of the urban environment and the community.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Approach on a piece of the XL system – Km3. Urban dike is a key piece within the system to understand the dynamics of water in today’s society and its link with the urban environment. Located in an urban void on the periphery of 2 conurbations, a depressed, low and constantly flooded area. The proposal uses this feature in favor of infrastructure, a social catalyst proposes to end the fragmentation imposed by its location.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Water scales: Water gardens / Green line / Urban dike.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Problem – Solution. Geographical and anthropic conditions of territory.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Water resource for community use, environment, infrastructure, and mobility.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Temporalities, changes in the landscape and programs starting from the study of the rainy cycles.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Multi-scale infrastructure as a public space.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Modular, prefabricated, and repetitive structure adaptable to the different uses of the community.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Paradigm shift.

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    Fluid Buffer in Argentina

    Gimena Ailen Ponce Abba, María Rosario Ruiz Cabello, and María Florencia Ruiz Cabello

Last updated: June 16, 2021 Resistencia, Argentina

Progress / People

Progress: The project provides an answer to extreme water situations in cities around the world subject to storm floods, innovating in a new typology of multi-scale water infrastructure, combining existing urban infrastructures, and relating them to water, in favor of society's pleasure. Each element of km3 is designed with the objective of being located in large urban voids, train tracks, railway beaches, military areas. Replicable in a global context, subjected to water stress.

People: A social-hydric platform, a support for cultural, sports, recreational, civic activities, and services, which seeks to link the community with water, giving it symbolism, providing new opportunities for urban development, public and private policies, contributing to a habitat accessible and inclusive.


Km3 builds a new and changing urban landscape, according to the rains and seasons of the year, consolidating and valuing the natural native landscape of the region, promoting and protecting local flora and fauna. Brings public awareness about its importance in the fight against climate change, providing thermal comfort and reducing CO2. From the study of water basins, the intensity, duration of design rains, and a recurrence time of 25 years, urban parts (SML) are designed, which capture, store, conduct and retain the runoff water, through a natural sanitation process.

Prosperity / Place

Prosperity: The state tends to spend millions of dollars to solve storm flood problems, in mono-functional infrastructures, which are not appreciated as a public good by the community. Km3 exposes water infrastructure as a public service, a long-term, adaptable and resilient investment for society.

Place: It puts in value the regional landscape (estuaries, canyons, swamps, wetlands), emphasizes the characteristic horizon of the territory, in order to bring the water infrastructure closer to the people and give a meaning of belonging to a global infrastructure.