Project entry 2020 for Europe

Last updated: November 13, 2021 Paris, France

Pooling and fostering solidarity everywhere

Global warming and the drop in the Garonne's flow make water all the more precious. At the opposite, through its natural resources, water is omnipresent in the humid area of la Jallère. By revealing the topography, and restoring marshlands, the imagery of the recycling park could be created. On a large scale and right at the core of working units, vapor sensor clouds and natural pools regulate microclimates through the “Geogrid” Each person can get involved. A set of measures such as geogrid and I Points develop a landscape of visible energy sources across the area. This is achieved by emphasizing the nature of the site as a positive feature, creating fertile soil and a shifting landscape. In that case, nature is neither tamed nor domesticated.

Toward a micro-management of waste

Regulated by the geogrid, the city of the future could solve the contradictions in our society, growth and contraction, local and global, low- and high-tech. However, beyond the idea of a circular economy, pooling, which is fostered at all levels, is a precious means of moving forward from classic notion of waste management and the commodification of goods and resources. Supported by the digital technology, our principle calls on civil governance that steps up cooperation and solidarity. The project strives to change preconceived ideas by offering a type of autonomy to blocks, which, far from being insular, is considered empowering and inclusive. Thus, we worked to ensure smooth transition toward a micro-management of waste rather than macro-management.

A “geogrid” system punctuated with “Information Point”

The geogrid draws on a territory’s history, and enrich the idea of the smart grid, to design for Bordeaux a future that is breathable. Subject of particular attention, the grid is punctuated with “Information Point”, somewhat poetic vertical structures akin to stilts. Interconnected I-Point contribute to a collective effort, ensuring an overall balance. Disconnected, it gains temporary autonomy since they are equipped to perform essential functions ranging from renewable energy production to thermal regulation. Furthermore, it is aims to make the consumption of local resources visible. Enough to make anyone (and everyone) take responsibility. Structured in rational way, they punctuate the vast scope of this coherent energy network, able, by 2050, to make this territory self-sufficient.