Project entry 2020 for Latin America

Last updated: November 13, 2021 Cali, Colombia

Sustainable productive habitat

Food: The construction of an orchard greenhouse that produces, regulating the temperature, the necessary food for a peasant family, using organic waste as compost for fertilizer. That’s how the cycle of productive food life is renewed and has no negative impact on the environment.

Energetic: The installation of a solar farm for the generation of energy supply. We believe it is necessary to promote energy self-production in communities that are far from the interconnected electricity network.

Productive: A flexible interior space, with progressive growth on the second level, which will allow the efficient construction of two rooms for tourists looking to live the experience of the rural habitat.

Sustainable Intimate Habitat

Material: A house that promotes a direct experience with the material, regulating the temperature, saving odors, marking the light, playing with sound, and is built according to the vernacular tradition.

Economic: A house that is built as a large envelope, which is conceived in M3, allows to reduce unions of architectural elements, systematize construction, saving costs in transport and assembly time, labor and materials.

Progressive: A rural social housing of progressive growth. The structure allows adding 2.5m space modules to the volume of the house, increasing M3. The installation of master beams as a floor structure on the second level, goes from having 60m2 on the first floor, to 84m2 if the half is used and 94m2 if the total area is used.

Sustainable Geographic Habitat

For a farmer, the size of the house depends on the conditions of the land. Geography marks the design of the house, which, it is a greenhouse therefore, is oriented according to the sun to receive the greatest amount of radiation and be able to warm its interior. The house is part of the topography, it is not against it. Reducing flying supports and large foundations. Its structure is prefabricated to give a solution to the accessibility to the land. It rises from the earth as an isolation strategy, which allows lower air intakes to make efficient renovations with the help of the upper vents. They generate the minimum environmental impact in conservation territories. Under this logic the design of the house is carried out as an architectural section.