“The presence of the architectural object at the territorial scale”

Regional Jury Report – North America

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    Prototype for a evaporative roof for radiant cooling, Cherry Valley, CA, USA

    Reconsidering comfort: An evaporating layer of water on the roof approaches a wet bulb temperature of 12°C (a typical roof reaches 60-100°C), mitigating the albedo effect. Ambient indoor temperature is approx. 50 % radiant heat from surface radiation and 50 % air temperature. Interior space with a view factor to the roof only would be fully climatized. With an indoor air temperature of 25°C, a mean radiant temperature of roof and floor of 18.5°C, the ambient indoor temperature of 21°C is achieved.

Last updated: June 24, 2017 Vancouver, Canada

Taking on the challenges of logistics centers at the periphery of cities as a point of the departure, the project unfolds as a research undertaking investigating the question of how to cool large structures with minimal means. With the objective in mind to reduce the building’s energy load, (particularly the deployment of non-renewable resources), a thin layer of water is introduced as an additional roof layer – acting as a solar reflector, while providing thermal insulation. Whereas technical considerations are at the core of the project, the study culminates in a design of a big box structure that is as reduced in its formal manifestation as it is beautiful in its aesthetic simplicity. 

The project’s visionary stance caught the jury’s attention. Acknowledging the research’s underlying critique pertaining to the inefficiency of complex and complicated mechanical systems in the contemporary building sector, the jury applauded the project’s thesis as well as choice of case study. Particularly valued was the set of ideas put forth concerning the detrimental impact of climate control technology on human-induced climate change. Moreover, the jury appreciated the relation established between the project’s scientific method of approach and the design’s formal appearance – the poetry of construction details and the presence of the architectural object at the territorial scale.