Over 120 experts from around the world met to exchange information and experience relating to sustainable construction and thus contribute to sustainable development. The numerous contributions, discussions, lectures, and findings were documented into a book. In a lengthy interview the Portuguese star architect Eduardo Souto de Moura explains how sustainability played into the design of his spectacular sports stadium at Braga.
A report tells how Muhammad Yunus, inventor of microcredit, sustainably changed the life prospects of many individuals – both within his homeland and beyond the borders of Bangladesh. The internationally active politician Simon Upton provides facts and figures that force us to revisit our viewpoints and values. Students of architecture and engineering from every region of the world present their innovative projects.
The Dutch architect Winy Maas shares some astounding urban planning visions. Statements by over 100 prominent engineers, business leaders, and architects who attended the 1st International Holcim Forum show that today the concept of the sustainable construction must be interpreted broadly.
Product Information
1st edition
225 pages
300 Illustrations (colored)
23.5 cm x 17.5 cm
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-3-7266-0069-3