6th Holcim Forum “Re-materializing Construction”

Embedding sustainability before the first sketch

  • 6th Holcim Forum 2019

    6th Holcim Forum 2019

    “Sustainability is inseparable from energy, and inseparable from the process of recycling.” – Lord Norman Foster, Chairman & Founder, Foster + Partners, United Kingdom.

  • 6th Holcim Forum 2019

    6th Holcim Forum 2019

    Some 350 leading thinkers from architecture, engineering, urban planning, materials technology, and the building and construction industry from 55 countries met at the Holcim Forum held at the American University in Cairo, Egypt on April 4-6, 2019.

  • 6th Holcim Forum

    6th LafargeHolcim Forum

    “The existing building is tomorrow’s new building material.” – Anne Lacaton, Principal, Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, France at the 6th International Holcim Forum held in Cairo, 2019.

  • LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Middle East Africa prize handover ceremony, Nairobi

    LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Middle East Africa prize handover ceremony, Nairobi

    The first LafargeHolcim Building Better Recognition was presented to Francis Kéré (right) of Kéré Architecture, Berlin. His Secondary school in Gando, Burkina Faso won the Global LafargeHolcim Awards Gold 2012. Today, the school is reality for hundreds of children and stands the test of time.

  • Associated Universities - AUC

    Over 350 leading thinkers from architecture, engineering, planning, and the construction industry in 55 countries met at the Holcim Forum “Re-materializing Construction” 2019 hosted by The American University in Cairo (AUC).

The Forum’s keynote speakers illustrated the importance of considering sustainability even before the design process commences and included Lord Norman Foster, Foster + Partners Architectural Design & Engineering, United Kingdom, Christine Binswanger, Herzog & de Meuron Architekten, Switzerland, Anne Lacaton, Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, France, Francis Kéré, Kéré Architecture, Burkina Faso/Germany, Laila Iskandar, former Minister of Urban Renewal & Informal Settlements, Egypt, and Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE, USA.

350 experts

55 countries

59 lectures & sessions


Workshop & Plenum Moderators

4 of 13


“The urgency to re-materialize construction is extreme”

Watch a 5-minute summary featuring statements on “Re-materializing construction”, the topic of the 6th International Holcim Forum.


Student Poster Competition


Forum 2019 Materials Book Re-materializing Construction Cairo Ruby Press

Inspired by the Holcim Forum for Sustainable Construction on “Re-materializing Construction” held in Cairo, Egypt in 2019 – The Materials Book is published by Ruby Press in Berlin, Germany. The 400-page book offers essays, case studies, and a catalog of building materials and resources that are environmentally mindful and socially responsible. The contributions by more than 60 architects, engineers, and scientists from around the world aim to accelerate the creation of a more sustainable built environment.