“Sustainability? Focusing on lightweight and reusable molds” – Namjoo Kim

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    “Sustainability? Lightweight and reusable” – Namjoo Kim

    “Latex Formwork: Concrete wall panel construction method” won the “Next Generation” 6th prize. The project investigates a new construction method for creating thin concrete panels using a lightweight reusable molds.

“Latex Formwork: Concrete wall panel construction method” won the “Next Generation” 6th prize. The project investigates a new construction method for creating thin concrete panels using a lightweight reusable molds.

Last updated: September 19, 2014 Toronto, ON, Canada

“Latex Formwork: Concrete wall panel construction method” won the “Next Generation” 6th prize. The project investigates a new construction method for creating thin concrete panels using a lightweight reusable molds.

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