“Sustainability? Re-using the footprint” – Mark Jongman-Sereno

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    “Sustainability? Reducing the footprint” – Mark Jongman-Sereno

    “Next Generation” 5th prize-winner “Evolutionary Infrastructure: Adaptive reuse of a parking structure for cultural activities, San Francisco, USA” takes a fallow parking garage that is re-used for cultural programs.

“Next Generation” 5th prize-winner “Evolutionary Infrastructure: Adaptive reuse of a parking structure for cultural activities, San Francisco, USA” takes a fallow parking garage that is re-used for cultural programs.

Last updated: September 19, 2014 Toronto, ON, Canada

“Next Generation” 5th prize-winner “Evolutionary Infrastructure: Adaptive reuse of a parking structure for cultural activities, San Francisco, USA” takes a fallow parking garage that is re-used for cultural programs.

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