Gregers Reimann

Managing Director, IEN Consultants, Malaysia

Gregers Reimann is Managing Director of IEN Consultants based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was a member of the Holcim Foundation Awards 2023 jury for Asia Pacific.

Last updated: July 12, 2024 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

IEN Consultants is a green building consultancy operating in Malaysia since 2000, which specializes in building designs that are highly energy efficient, have good daylighting, are healthy, and connect with nature for people to thrive.

Holcim Awards 2023 - Jury for Asia Pacific

Gregers Reimann is Managing Director of IEN Consultants based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and a member of the Holcim Awards 2023 jury for Asia Pacific.

Key projects include the energy efficient ST Diamond office building (ASEAN Energy Award Winner), the GreenTech Malaysia office building (ZERO Energy Building winner under ASEAN Energy Award), the EnergyPlus UniLK Sustainable Energy Living Lab building that produces twice as much energy as it consumes, the Sarawak Energy office building (80% measure energy savings), and the efficient, biophilic and multi-award winning Paramit – factory in the forest (Winner of the World green Building APN Awards 2020) electronics manufacturing plant.

Retrofits of existing buildings include the energy efficient retrofit of the National University of Singapore NUS SDE1&3 university buildings (targeting ZERO energy), and the EECCHI office retrofit (53% measured energy savings).

Gregers Reimann is the Chairman of the Green Buildings Committee of the EU-Malaysian Chambers of Commerce & Industries (EUMCCI) and regularly contributes to green building articles and frequently lectures at universities. He has a keen interest to pursue innovative and integrated design solutions bridging the gap between architects and engineers – and walks the talk by bicycling to work.

He studied energy engineering at the Technical University of Denmark.