Parshav Sheth

City and Technology (Cand T), Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC), Barcelona, Spain

Parshav Sheth

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Parshav Sheth is an architect and urban researcher from Mumbai, India, and was a selected scholar at the Norman Foster Foundation Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022 supported by the Holcim Foundation.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Workshop Mentor Stuart Smith with scholars Ismaeel Davids, Parshav Sheth, Nabila Pranoto and Amna Pervaiz during a working session.

Parshav Sheth is an architect and urban researcher from Mumbai, India. He is currently pursuing a Master in City and Technology (Cand T) at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC).

Last updated: April 26, 2023

As part of this, he is developing his thesis on democratising city technologies by using big data as a digital urban-common for developing megacities. He has been engaged in the sculpting of sustainable narratives through tangible practices via developing projects which act as catalysts for architecture, urban design, and planning, to improve the condition of human settlements in India.

He envisions new forms of education in architecture and space making through strategic interventions and collective policy making. His strategic speciality is in understanding and analysing multilateral stakeholder relationships that enable the creation of circular policies and open platforms.

He was a selected scholar at the Norman Foster Foundation Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022 supported by the Holcim Foundation.