Sergei Tchoban

Head of SPEECH, Moscow, Russia and Managing Partner of Tchoban Voss Architekten, Berlin, Germany

Sergei Tchoban

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    Holcim Foundation Awards 2020 jury for Europe

    Sergei Tchoban is Co-Founder & Managing Partner of SPEECH architectural office based in Moscow, Russia and will be a member of the LafargeHolcim Awards jury for region Europe in 2020.

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    First-ever virtual meetings of Holcim Foundation Awards juries

    Virtual Awards jury meeting for Europe including (from top left): Sergei Tchoban, Benno Hossbach, Alexandre Theriot, Hélène Lombois-Burger, Jeannette Kuo, Marilyne Andersen, Dirk Hebel, Luisa Pastore, Kristiaan Borret, Nuno Costa, and Eva Pfannes.

Sergei Tchoban (Сергей Энверович Чобан) is Head of SPEECH architectural office Moscow; Managing Partner of Tchoban Voss Architekten Berlin; and was a member of the Holcim Foundation Awards 2020 jury for Europe.

Last updated: May 09, 2024

He is also Founder of the Tchoban Foundation: Museum for Architectural Drawing which aims to present the imaginative and emotionally-charged world of architectural drawing to a broad public through regular exhibitions.

SPEECH was co-founded with Sergey Kuznetsov in 2006. The office has specialized in designing buildings and complexes with various functional purposes, developing urban concepts, as well as designing interiors in numerous cities in Russia and abroad.

Sergei Tchoban studied architecture at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia. He worked for architectural studio V B Fabritskiy (1986-89) before working as an independent architect based in St Petersburg. He worked at Nietz, Prasch, Sigl in Hamburg, Germany (1991-95), headed Tchoban Voss Architekten in Berlin, Germany (1995-).

His designs include the Federation Tower in Moscow; DomAquarée CityQuartier in Berlin; ExpoForum and Nevskaya City Hall, St Petersburg (with Evgeny Gerasimov and Partners); Water Sports Palace in Kazan, Russia; Cubix Cinema in Berlin; the Jewish Cultural Center & Synagogue Chabad Lubavitch in Berlin; the Music & Lifestyle Hotel nhow in Berlin; Russia’s Pavilion at EXPO 15 in Milan; and the building of the Museum of Architectural Drawing (with Sergey Kuznetsov) in Berlin.

Sergei Tchoban co-curated of the Russian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture: “Russia Factory” (2010), and “i-city/i-land” (2012) which received a Special Mention – the first time the Russian Pavilion had been awarded a recognition.

He was Chairman of the City Planning Council in Linz, Austria (2009-11), is a member of the City Planning Council of the Skolkovo Foundation (2011-), member of the Architectural Council of the Committee for Architecture & Urban Planning for Moscow (2013-), and a member of the Design Advisory Board for Linz, Austria (2018-).

He won the European Prize for Architecture from The European Centre for Architecture Art Design & Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture & Design in 2018. The jury praised his “powerful designs and a unique design vision that celebrates the best of modernist buildings that are internationally iconic, complex, enigmatic, provocative, and profoundly artistic.”