Tatiana Bilbao: The architect of care

Ecogradia Podcast – Series 3 Episode 5

The architect of care

Ecogradia Podcast – Series 3 Episode 5

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    Ecogradia Series 3

    Tatiana Bilbao ESTUDIO explores the idea of care in a collaborative, participatory manner. © Ana Hop, Tatiana Bilbao ESTUDIO

Buildings offer shelter. Good architecture does more: it is a form of care for the mind and spirit. In this episode of the Ecogradia podcast, we consider how we ensure sustainable equitable care for everyone where all social and emotional needs are included.

Last updated: September 26, 2023 Mexico City, Mexico

Tatiana Bilbao is a multi-award-winning architect from Mexico who, through her work, embraces the human condition. She views architecture as a sanctuary tailored to meet the physiological needs of individuals and groups, as well as their psychological and spiritual aspirations.

She founded her eponymous studio in 2004, wanting to explore how buildings can deliver care through a collaborative and participatory design process. Her portfolio includes today multiple scales and typologies, from homes to housing, museums to botanical gardens and urban planning.

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